I've studied and practiced hypnosis for years and actually started my fascination with it at 10 years old, when my Mom went to a hypnotist to quit smoking. My mind was blown that it worked! She had been unable to quit, even though her mother was dying from lung cancer. To me, it seemed like a magical spell.
I've used it myself to lose weight (and keep it off for 25 years) to give birth twice with no drugs or epidural and to ditch the nightly wine habit that made me feel tired and unmotivated.
I still find hypnosis magical and powerful and I'm so happy to share this "super power" with others. Working with Moms and caregivers has been a natural fit for me as I'm a Mom (to 2 beautiful young adults) and was a caregiver to my parents in their later years.
I also worked in the child development field with families for over 12 years, supporting new Moms to help their babies get the best possible developmental outcomes. Along with teaching about early brain development, I especially enjoyed sharing easy mindfulness and stress management techniques that Moms could practice and share with their little ones.
Although rewarding, being a Mom (my favorite job in the world) and caregiver can be all consuming and leave a person overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted. We get so busy taking care of everyone else and wind up last on the list. And that isn't good for anyone.
I decided to merge my experience in child development, mindfulness and stress reduction strategies with hypnosis.
To help Moms and caregivers which then extends to their children and loved ones.
I'm passionate about wellness and mental health and love sharing techniques to empower people to live their best life.
I live my best life in sunny Florida, with my husband, son and daughter and the bosses of the house, Biscuit, (in photo) Gravy and Whopper.
Agitate - Your life depends on it, doesn't it?
Solution - I have the solution you need
San Diego, CA
I had 4 wonderful sessions with Colleen!
She listened so wonderfully to my goals and guided me in a gentle but powerful way towards achieving them.
Her approach is supportive and empowering and you will be in fantastic hands on your healing journey.
San Diego, CA
Today I parked waaay back in a store parking lot. As I walked in, there was a realization that I was enjoying it! My body felt different and it dawned on me that this morning, I couldn't stop dancing to Christmas music playing!
Credit goes to you, my friend. Yesterday's session hit home. Thank you!
Toronto, Canada
Colleen is an amazing hypnotist. She is very caring and provides a safe space to discuss all issues without judgement. Colleen helped me look at my situation in a new light and shifted my perspective in a very effortless way. Thank you so much, Colleen!
My husband and I are very grateful we found Robert. We were referred to her by our daughter’s child psychologist. Her hypnosis sessions with Teresa have completely changed her life (and our lives): she went from a shut-down, fearful child to an opened-up, happy child. She stopped sleeping in our bedroom and is happy sleeping in her own bedroom. She is no longer afraid of the dark. She enjoys going to school and playing with her friends. We could not be more thrilled with the results of hypnotherapy and we highly recommend Robert to any parent who
worries about their child.
Dianne Loren
Tucson AZ
Located in Fort Pierce, Florida
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 772-532-9241
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